Ground Transport Features

The green routes
The green routesBy Gary Noakes

Rail travel's increased profile has been fuelled in part by corporate desire to reduce environmental impact, but car providers are making green inroads... KEEP READING

Back-seat riders
Back-seat ridersBy Catherine Chetwynd

Taxis, ride-sharing and chauffeur transfers are being seen in a new light as business travel policies adjust to the 'new normal'... KEEP READING

Driving change
Driving changeBy Rob Gill

Car rental has been viewed as a safer form of travel during Covid but there could be bumps in the road as business travel recovers... KEEP READING

Right on time
Right on timeBy Nick Easen

Rail travel across Europe is evolving - and so are business travel patterns and preferences... KEEP READING

New directions
New directionsBy Rob Gill

Ground transport is helping to drive the return of business travel as the world emerges from the pandemic, but how are travel policies changing in... KEEP READING

Clean conscience
Clean conscience

Suppliers have rolled out new safety and hygiene protocols to win traveller confidence, but how can buyers negotiate the jargon and identify best... KEEP READING

Ground transport: On stream
Ground transport: On streamBy Rob Gill

We’re used to consuming entertainment using online subscription models, so could travellers soon be streaming ground transport via Mobility as a... KEEP READING

Rail booking: Wishing and hoping
Rail booking: Wishing and hopingBy Dave Richardson

With reviews into the rail sector underway, BBT takes stock of the current state of booking practices and asks industry experts what they’d want changed... KEEP READING

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