Anikó Nagy is global travel category manager at Schneider Electric, and is speaking in the following session at Business Travel Show Europe: Wellbeing – How can we do more to de-stress our travellers, and ourselves?
What's the biggest challenge you are currently facing as a corporate travel manager?
A broken travel experience due to highly fragmented travel content.
If your TMC could do one new thing to make your life as a travel manager easier, what would that be?
Provide access to intelligent, multi-source content with servicing and corresponding structured, quality, real-time data.
Do you think sustainable travel is possible? What's the best way for us to achieve it?
Yes. Move beyond emissions calculations and revamp existing travel policies to include sustainability strategies.
What do you think will have the next big innovation to impact business travel?
Artificial intelligence.
You have a keen interest in traveller wellbeing – please share one tip that can help destress busy business travellers.
Whilst travelling, spend a minimum of eight minutes per day connecting with someone from your close circle to allow oxytocin, the safety hormone, to kick-in. Also, never underestimate the positive impact of a ten-minute break.
Why is Business Travel Show Europe such a key date in your schedule?
It is always inspiring and educational to be around so many talented, dedicated and curious industry experts from the whole travel ecosystem.
Business Travel Show Europe takes place at ExCeL London on 19-20 June. Travel bookers, managers and procurement personnel can register for free attendance here.